- October 23, 2024
1. Introduction
Robotic process automation helps many industries in increasing the productivity of their workforce. The workforce in different sectors of industry can now focus on higher-value tasks thanks to Robotic Process automation. This article talks about the application of Robotic Process Automation in different industrial sectors and their use cases.
The applications of Robotic Process Automation have been expanding to new industrial sectors as the years passed. With the enhancement of capabilities from Robotic Process Automation solutions, it is important to see the real use cases of this technology in different industry sectors. Only when the present applications and use cases are studied will the future scope of RPA be understood. According to industry experts, there are many benefits that RPA provides to different companies. New companies are starting to explore RPA meaning with the help of its advanced applications.
Every company has the aim of improving its operational efficiency, and automation plays a huge role in it. A company needs to employ its workforce in a highly productive manner. By taking over repetitive tasks and easier work processes, Robotic Process Automation solutions help redirect the manual workforce toward higher priority tasks. The application of Robotic Process Automation solutions also gives the opportunity of skill to the manual employees of a company too. Let us read on to find out the leading industrial sectors that have stepped up to take up RPA applications industrial level tasks.
2. What are the leading industry sectors with RPA applications?
Before going into every industrial sector with RPA applications in detail, let us look into some specific statistics. The leading industries with RPA applications are the IT and software industry and the BFSI industry. For example, the BFSI industry holds 44 percent of its tasks under the RPA application. The clear leader among industries is the IT industry which has automated almost 53 percent of its internal processes with the help of robotic automation. Other areas of the industry are also opening up to new and advanced robotic automation solutions. Here are the other leading industries with robotic automation solutions implementation. In the upcoming years, these sectors will increase the number of their automated processes with an improved version of present RPA automation solutions.
2.1 Healthcare industry
The implementation of RPA technology has been increasing over the past few years in the healthcare sector. The healthcare sector is one of the industrial sectors that needs modernization for meeting patient and visitor demands. The most recent challenges in the healthcare sector and unprecedented demand for healthcare services have created conditions for the implementation of robotics automation solutions. The implementation of RPA solutions in healthcare is the prime example of using automation to cut through the chaos of repetitive tasks so that the workforce can be redirected towards higher-value tasks.
One of the use cases in the healthcare industry is the implementation of RPA technology in payment processing and transaction flow in the healthcare business. Earlier, the payment and registration processes for healthcare services used to be very cumbersome. The visitors and customers, as well as the workforce, used to suffer due to the delays and unnecessary manual processes in payments. The automation of payment processes with digital payment solutions has reduced the hassle for common patients. The workload on the staff of the hospital workforce also decreased to a great extent.
Claims management is also a sub-sector where RPA tools have improved the entire process and decreased the time of process end. Claims settlement used to take a lot of time for insurance companies and associated hospitals. With automation introduced in the claims management process, most of the sub-processes are taken up by bots and virtual assistants. The application of chatbots not only reduces the workload on manual customer care executives but also enhances the customer hospital relationship.
Another area of hospital operations where the RPA process is implemented is patient registration and record storage. Patient registration and record storage is a very repetitive task that can be optimized with the help of a robotics automation solution and system. The implementation of RPA simplifies the workflow, reduces cost, and makes things easier for patients.
2.2 Banking And Finance
Robotic Process Automation in banking and finance sector is used to make the entire process streamlined by automating repetitive tasks. The repetitive tasks are automated so that manual workers see a jump in their productivity and also provide faster, better services to the consumers. For example, a good use case of robotics automation solution in banking and finance is automatic report generation. Automatic report generation can help generate numerous reports in a short time. The RPA applications help improve the customer on boarding process so that there are less challenges for the customer and the banking professionals.
2.3 Government Entities
Usually government processes and work in government entities goes on very slowly if there are no automation solutions present. However, since government entities handle a huge number of public requests, it is very important to implement RPA process in government entities. For example, large scale data entry can be done with the help of RPA applications so that manual expertise is directed towards other areas of government work process. Even application processing and review can be done with automated solution that organises the applications and shows them in a prioritised way. RPA applications can also automate report generation process in government institutions. This reduces the workload on government employees and also increases the pace of service delivery to customers.
2.4 Manufacturing industry
The question ‘what is RPA and how are its solutions used in real life?’ first found the answer in the manufacturing industry. There are large-scale industrial plants in the manufacturing industry that need robust RPA solutions at every step. The creation and packaging processes in manufacturing units can be very repetitive for manual workers. The reduction of workload and increase in operational efficiency is achieved with the use of RPA systems at different points. Administration and reporting automation with RPA is a common use case in the manufacturing industry. The implementation of RPA solutions helps in reducing the focus on administrative and report tasks so that the majority of the manufacturing workforce can focus on the main tasks of manufacturing and large-scale production. The efficiency of the manual workforce in such units can increase only when they use automated processes at strategic points in the larger flow of production.
The implementation of automated solutions in manufacturing businesses can improve overall decision-making and create a faster response to production issues or needs.
Automation of supply chain management with an automatic inventory management system and billing system is also a need in large-scale manufacturing businesses. Billing and transactions can be repetitive with the frequent supply cycles of raw materials and order fulfillment. Such repetitive tasks can be taken over by Robotic Automation solutions. The process can be improved with the help of robots who can take the place of humans for bill processing.
2.5 Telecom industry
The telecom industry is also a leading industry sector where RPA tools are prevalent. For example, the use cases in the telecom industry include account checking and billing for postpaid accounts. Regular checking of user accounts to keep track of their bill amount can be done by simple robots or automated software.
Instead of manual processing of documents related to the bills, these systems can put in the information for digitization of documents. This can then lead to the digitization of bill payments which is very convenient for the users and the workers. In fact, nowadays, it is convenient to set up autopay reminders in payment apps for service bills. Since telecom services are taken every month or quarter, the user can choose the auto-pay model of billing and transaction.
Even with the most advanced system for telecommunication, the user can have queries and issues from time to time. The Telecom companies, of course, deal with any queries and connectivity issue complaints every day. The use of automation and virtual solutions like chatbots and virtual report generation systems can decrease the hassle and workload on manual customer care executives. The company can use its customer care and support team for more technical processes like field customer services in highly technical issues.
Another use case of robotic process automation is the use of RPA for number porting. Earlier, number porting services were people-driven and took a lot of time to complete. The customer had to wait for days to port his number to a different service provider. However, the introduction of RPA solutions has reduced the time needed for number porting and also minimized the processes for a simpler approach.
RPA solutions have been so successful that 85 percent of industry professionals have reported automated tools have exceeded their initial expectations in terms of productivity and usefulness.
In the next section, let us know about the challenges that RPA automation aims at resolving. These challenges against productivity and efficiency can be addressed with the help of Visvero today.
3. What are the common industrial challenges that RPA aims at resolving?
3.1 Human errors
Human expertise cannot be fully replaced by any automated solutions implementation. However, the aim is to reduce the scope of human error in industrial processes. Industrial processes need to be streamlined and driven to an endpoint with 100 percent efficiency at all times. This is not entirely possible with human expertise because, at one point or the other, humans will become tired and commit errors. Automated solutions minimize the window for errors by a significant percentage with the help of machines that can run for long hours. RPA solutions can work round the clock.
3.2 Increases efficiency
Productivity and efficiency are the most important parameters for industrial production services. The use of the RPA process can improve working efficiency by 50 percent. The manufacturing or service setup can run in a highly efficient manner for a long time with customized RPA solutions.
3.3 Reduces rigidity
Rigidity in industrial operations makes the entire setup very vulnerable to operational weaknesses. For maintaining its productivity over a long period of time, the industrial plant or business has to take a flexible approach. The use of RPA solutions at the right points to bridge operational gaps can help improve flexibility that supports all processes over a long period of time.
3.4 What are customized RPA solutions?
Customized RPA solutions are very specific to the company or purpose they are designed for. Generic RPA solutions can serve a business broadly for specific processes and internal workflow, and most businesses need customized RPA solutions.
After adopting general robotics automation, it is time for businesses to explore customization options in RPA solution implementation. To learn more about Robotics Process Automation and its applications in industries, contact the team of Visvero today.